Slack Robot Racing TeamBuilding

Slack Robot Racing TeamBuilding

Slack Robot Racing TeamBuilding A Slack Robot Racing TeamBuilding was a huge success at the Hayes Mansion in San Jose. 15 teams built custom Robot Racers and then raced in full contact robot racing. “TeamWorx Robot Racing: Where technical professionals become thrill-seeking innovators. This team challenge delivers not just success, but an unforgettable experience. We…

Meta Robot Battles TeamBuilding

Meta Robot Battles TeamBuilding

Meta Robot Battles TeamBuilding Four Meta Robot Battles TeamBuilding events over two days in Menlo Park entertained over 100 employees at 1 Hacker Way and 1 Meta Way! Two of the winning teams are pictured above from March 21st. The team on the right finished ahead of two other teams from Internal Audit with a…

Las Vegas BattleBots Teambuilding

Las Vegas BattleBots Teambuilding

Las Vegas BattleBots Teambuilding A Las Vegas BattleBots Teambuilding event was a huge success with GitLab. The event was hosted inside the BattleBots tent located just off The Strip behind the Horseshoe Casino. The BattleBots tent is where they film the Discovery Channel TV show BattleBots, and they deliver a Las Vegas show, Destructathon, 3…

Intuitive Surgical Robot Teambuilding

Intuitive Surgical Robot Teambuilding

Intuitive Surgical Robot Teambuilding An Intuitive Surgical Robot Teambuilding was a huge success in Atlanta Georgia. Eighteen teams from three regions competed to build the robot faster than each other and for the World Record. The winning build team finished in a surgical time of 40:20 (forty minutes and twenty seconds) placing them 4th All-Time!…

Meta SF Team Building

Meta SF Team Building

Meta SF Team Building A Meta SF Team Building event on Spear Street near the Embarcadero was a huge success. Software engineers from the Threads team had a great time building and battling robots! Four teams competed to build the Robot Battles 1 robot faster than each other, and for a world record. The winning…

Amazon Austin Robot TeamBuilding

Amazon Austin Robot TeamBuilding

Amazon Austin Robot TeamBuilding An Amazon Austin Robot TeamBuilding event in Austin Texas was a huge success for about 100 Robotics Deployment personnel from around the country. Inside the Amazon offices we marshaled 15 teams of robot builders and battlers to set-up their own table, gather some chairs, and listen to a quick introduction. The…


BattleBots Battle LinkedIn Teambuilding

BattleBots Battle LinkedIn Teambuilding A “BattleBots Battle LinkedIn Teambuilding” event at the Mountain View LinkedIn campus included building robots and battling alongside professional robot drivers from the BattleBots TV show. Team Malice and Skorpios built robots as one team and competed against LinkedIn employees to build the robot faster. They completed the Robot Battles 1…

Aristocrat Vegas Robot Teambuilding

Aristocrat Vegas Robot Teambuilding

Aristocrat Vegas Robot Teambuilding An Aristocrat Vegas Robot Teambuilding event at their Las Vegas headquarters off of Flamingo Road was a huge success with about 30 IT employees. Aristocrat is headquartered in Australia near Sydney and operates offices throughout the world, mostly in gaming locations. Their Buffalo symbol is recognizable in almost every casino I…

Regeneron Repeats Robot Teambuilding

Regeneron Repeats Robot Teambuilding

Regeneron Repeats Robot Teambuilding A Regeneron Repeats Robot Teambuilding event in Albany New York featured about 30 engineer/scientists competing to build a battle robot faster then the other teams, and then battling in robot combat! The only other time we were in Albany New York, more then 5 years ago, was the last time we…