Boise Team Building with Wells Fargo
Boise Team Building with Wells Fargo Bank included giving away much needed bicycles to home schooled students in the local area. Bike building team building events are especially powerful when you can connect the client with a charity that matches their values. An often overlooked segment of children in need, home schooled children often benefit from interactions with outside organizations. They were invited to tour the Wells Fargo building, meet the wonderful people inside the bank, and, of course, receive a bicycle!
Wells Fargo appreciated the initiative these children demonstrated towards their own education, including learning specific skills related to banking. Whereas not all public schools allow for a focus on real world skills, these home schooled children learned how to balance a check book, calculate interest rates, and package sub prime mortgages together to sell to investors. They were prepared for their visit to Wells Fargo! The employees at Wells Fargo were visibly excited to show the children around, and proud of their workplace.
Boise Team Building also had employees from Wells Fargo learning how to improve their creative thinking. This included three techniques to help them “think-out-of-the-box”. They first learned the techniques then applied them to a series of 26 puzzles. Each time they had success solving a problem they earned money towards buying the bike parts. Once they solved enough puzzles they could build the bike and check it for safety. At the end of the event they gave one bicycle to each child that toured the facility. What an amazing day for the students, and for the Wells Fargo employees.
The Wells Fargo employees applied the techniques to create new opportunities for the bank to grow in different departments throughout the bank including sales, marketing, customer service, and operations.
Bike Building Team Building