STEM Corporate Charity Team Building
A STEM Corporate Charity Team Building allows your employees to be role models for STEM students from local neighborhoods. We look for STEM programs or Robot Clubs where students are truly inspired by science, math, and technology, and are from the most challenging neighborhoods, and we invite them to join your teams and compete alongside your employees.
Blog: STEM Charity Event at VMware
Build and Battle Robots with local STEM Students!
STEM Corporate Charity Team Building takes our popular Robot Battles1 event and adds local STEM students.
- Students attend your meeting and work with your teams of employees to build the battle robot faster than the other teams. After building, everyone gets a chance to battle each other in robot combat!
- Companies donate to the local STEM club or school organization to help them purchase much needed robot parts, supplies, and tools.
- In return, the students travel to your meeting and participate in the event with you.
- The event is ideal at about 2 hours
Build a Robot as a Team – Compete to Win!
Successful teams use communication, teamwork and leadership to outperform the other teams.
Each of the four component robot parts:
- Frame
- Drive Train
- Electronics
- Attack Arm
must be built correctly by team members working together, and, each part must fit and work in combination with the other parts, for the entire robot to work.
Compete for a World Record!
Your teams can compete for the World Record Robot Build Time kept on our blog and, more importantly, they can compete to beat each other!
Robot Battles!
Multiple rounds of robot combat!
- Points Based All-Bot Melee! – All bots in the arena at the same time!
- “Last Bot Standing” Finale!
Robots smash into each other and try to flip each other over or pop their balloons.
- Powerful motors,
- Aircraft grade aluminum,
- Multiple bots in the arena at the same time
- Sharp attack arm for balloons, and
- Good driving
lead to lots of action, battles, cheering, and, most importantly, fun!
Companies like
- Google – “The Battle Bot event was a smashing success with our team!”
- Facebook: “A very engaging and exciting team event!”
- Intel: “I have never seen that group of people so happy before. It was awesome!”
- Bosch: “The BEST event our German group has done here or in Europe!”
- DreamWorks: “Robotics team building was ridiculously entertaining, challenging, & engaging!”
- Sony: “Lots of fun, stimulating and challenged our team members!”
- Pfizer: “Thanks TeamWorx! Everyone loved the Robot event!”
- Genentech: “Everyone is still talking about how fun the robots were..It was a hit!
and dozens of other Global Fortune 500 and trending start-ups have competed for the world record build time!
Why Choose Robot Battles 1 over Robot Battles 2
- Easier robot build
- Quicker average build times (45 minutes versus 1 hour)
- Smaller team sizes (5 to 7 versus 8 to 10 people)
Contact us to schedule your amazing STEM Robot Build and Battle Experience!