Entrepreneurs Organization Team Building
The Entrepreneurs Organization Team Building event in Sacramento came from a need for creative ways to get people interacting and sharing best practices with each other at their monthly meetings. They invited us to deliver an interactive “Trivia Competition” that would get people talking at each table, and between tables.
We used our Mobile Adventure platform to deliver the Entrepreneurs Organization Team Building by having several different trivia categories available for each table to select from including: history, sports, current events, TV and Movie, problem solving, and more. We also included clever challenges between teams. We can’t giveaway our best ideas, however I can say that one of the team competitions had Urijah Faber, Sacramento’s own famous mixed martial artist, thumb wrestling other tables.
Trivia competitions are made incredibly fun as teams can choose whatever categories they want, they get immediate feedback – right or wrong – and they can compete against other teams! A perfect networking option for any meeting, especially where meeting people is a priority. The Entrepreneurs Organization is made up of an exclusive clientele who mostly run businesses or are senior level leadership at large companies.
Impressing this audience isn’t easy, but they were having so much fun competing with each other on knowledge and thumb wrestling like team competitions we slipped by with an exceptional recommendation! The same results are possible at your Entrepreneurs Organization meeting or event, or at your company’s annual retreat or sales meeting. Some clients prefer to use this type of high-tech trivia team competition as a part of their incentive trips. Asking company trivia can allow for significant tax breaks for attendees. As always, ask an accountant for the exact details, but several clients have told us the attendees do not have to pay tax on the incentive trip if they are involved in company business. The Mobile Adventure done correctly with appropriate company questions and trivia can qualify.
Mobile Adventure