Outdoor Scavenger Hunt

Outdoor Scavenger Hunt Style Adventures through cities, towns, and almost anywhere.
The best way to explore and interact with your local surroundings in a fun and competitive team building.
Teams compete to answer more questions found in the local setting and about the local culture, take videos and creative pictures, and have the most fun!
Our software calculates winners, shows an online scoreboard, combines pictures into a slide show, and makes available all modern technology has
to offer.
Flexible Pricing From $29 to $99 per person.
Three options to meet your specific needs:
- Fully Staffed
- iPads ready to go, Bandanas , and Awards Ceremony
- Fully Staffed + Download to your Phones/Tablets
- Bandanas, Awards Ceremony
- Self Run + Online Staff.
- Download to your Phones/Tablets
All options include:
- GPS Hot Spot Technology
- Photos and Videos
- Link to Slide Show
- Live Scoreboards
Available upgrades
- IR Scan Technology
- Augmented Reality
- Your Branding in Game
- Feedback Response Questions
….And so much more!
Indoor Customized Adventure

Indoor Customized Adventures and Produced Games available in the ballroom or at the office.
Gamify your meeting to add fun, interaction, engagement, and get feedback from participants about meeting themes, content, or anything.
Our technology allows you to gamify your entire meeting, or simply add fun team building into the meeting schedule right in the ballroom.
Complete challenges and fun trivia at the table or get people moving around.
- IR Scan Technology: Turn the ballroom, conference center, resort or office into an interactive scavenger hunt style adventure, or an interactive learning environment!
- Brand the game and add feedback questions to get input from your audience that can be tabulated and displayed in real time.
- Share your employees efforts and fuel social media marketing with automatic social media sharing within the app.
- Link meetings together with ongoing games that can span a year, a quarter, or the entire year.
- Create ongoing competitions between regions, departments, locations or whatever works for your group.
Add a prebuilt game for effortless entertainment seamlessly included in your agenda.
- Trivia Competitions
- Charity Team Building – Donate in Real Time
- Spy School
- Escape Room on a Tablet
- Around the World – A digital journey!
Endless possibilities to connect your people.