Confirmation Bias Teamwork Training with Neff Rental
Confirmation Bias Teamwork Training in Denver CO. with Neff Rental helped a team of entrepreneurs get on the same page and share best practices. Neff Rental is a nationwide equipment solution provider focusing on the Sunbelt States. Neff Rental has a successful presence here in my hometown of Sacramento, and nearby in the San Francisco Bay Area. Like many national companies, Neff Rental is constructed of several entrepreneurial business owners who both own their own region or facility and benefit from being a part of a national company.
Success can sometimes limit us. For instance, each of the regions and facilities in Neff Rental does something, at least one thing, excellent, and better than other places. This has to do with differences in geography and the needs of clients in different areas, and with the personality and leadership of each individual business. This is a great thing, and it can also limit the success of the overall company if not handled correctly. What do I mean?
The answer is human nature. If we are really good at something we tend to create a paradigm that revolves around that thing. We see our business through a limited lens. Because we have success in a limited area, we naturally transpose our expertise to all areas – thinking we know more than others. This is called confirmation bias, and the illusion of knowledge. Both of these concepts have been widely documented and reflect natural tendencies of the human brain and of human nature. If you do not provide training and set expectations companies with a structure similar to Neff Rental will by human nature limit their own success.
Lucky for Neff Rental they are proactive and asked TeamWorx to begin their national meeting with a Confirmation Bias Teamwork Training that helped business owners understand their own bias and how that influences them from hearing other ideas that can grow their business. The financial theory here is that if each business absorbed what others did best the company as a whole can grow exponentially. These limiting barriers are often invisible to those that have them, and obvious to those that interact with them in business.
Our Teamwork Training focused on this one objective: to have the owners feel, experience, recognize, and overcome their invisible biases for the purpose of growing each of their businesses and the company revenue as a whole. If you have a company structure where there is a healthy tension between independent owners and a corporate office the TeamWorx Confirmation Bias Teamwork Training can help grow revenue.
TeamWork Training