ARM High Tech Team Building with Robotics Team Building
ARM is the architect of the digital age and so it is no surprise they enjoyed building robots and competing against each other in a high tech team building battle. Our visit to ARM headquarters was fascinating in that we learned the scope and creativity with which digital products are being implemented into our daily lives. From the refrigerator to kids skateboards ARM has something going on to make life better and easier.
Robotics Team Building, like ARM, is a visionary high tech team building program that integrates the fascinating science of robotics into a fun and challenging team building event. Each team must first build a robot correctly which takes all hands on deck. The team actually builds different components simultaneously, and then combines them together to create the completed robot. Teamwork doesn’t stop there, the completed Robots are used in a fun and creative robot obstacle course that has the entire team engaged! At the end of the day there is a winning team, and everyone benefits from practicing teamwork together, getting to know each other in new and interesting ways applicable to work, and looking back on how they did as a team and identifying strengths to build on.
High Tech Team Building is something highly desired by high tech companies because it appeals to their employees, including millennials, and when done correctly acts as a fun bridge between all different departments and personality styles in a company. We like to think of Robot Team Building as a team building program that uses robots,meaning it is accessible to everyone and the winning team is the one that leverages great teamwork and leadership the best.
It was truly fascinating to learn about all of the innovative ways ARM implements technology into everything from Refrigerators to mobile phones. We look forward to returning and seeing how all of their futuristic predictions came to life!
Robotics Team Building