YPO Family Robot Battles Event
A YPO Family Robot Battles event at the Franklin Institute in Philadelphia yielded some priceless family time and some awesome adventures in robot building and battling. Seventeen teams of five to eight people each, one or two families per team, competed to build our Robot Battles 1 robots faster than the other teams. The kits include instructions that break the robot into 4 parts. The teams divide into smaller 2 person units to complete each of the 4 parts simultaneously, and then they must combine them to create a functioning battle robot.
All seventeen teams completed the robot with a couple miscues right at the end for two teams who inadvertently fried their electronics boards. No matter, a part quickly replaced in one case, and a back-up robot in the the other case, led to both teams striding into battle without missing a single battle.
Knowing our clients were families rather than corporate attendees, we scoured Philadelphia for top robot talent that could assist younger folks with expertise. Our answer came right down the street from the Franklin Institute, at the home of the Robolancers! We contracted with two of the instructors, and had them choose two students to help as well, to form a four person unit of local robot expertise with a focus on young folks! The feedback was outstanding – “Everyone had a great time and all robots were built correctly!” as the four-person Robolancer unit had the knowledge and experience working on complicated robots, and hundreds of hours anticipating what possible pitfalls are involved with robot building projects; especially with youth as young as 5 years old!
Overall the YPO’s robot themed day was a huge hit, talking with Dean Kamen, and having a robot dog and robot “person” onsite at a spectacular Philadelphia venue. Thank you to YPO Philadelphia for inviting us to be a part of your amazing day.